Stone Carving Services

All items listed below are carved by hand, out of limestone, sandstone, marble, or granite. Preliminaries to carving a commission in stone can involve doing a full-sized drawing/ template from an image you provide, then creating a model on a scaled-down clay maquette. Once you are satisfied, the work of carving stone can begin.

Types of Stone Carvings:

Below is a short description of the most popular types of carvings that Andrew has created. Check out our Gallery of Stone Carvings or for a custom stone carving of any complexity contact Andrew today.

  • Heraldry

    Coat of Arms carved either in relief or in the round, with whatever heraldic device you are entitled to or otherwise wish. A fine-grade limestone, which will take a sharp edge, would be suitable for a highly-detailed heraldic carving.

  • Fireplaces & Carved Interior Stonework

    Any architectural style of carved fireplace mantels and surrounds can be offered. Additional interior carved stone details can include floral decoration around stone kitchen worktops. For the bathroom, lion head spouts can be considered.

  • Exterior Architectural Carved Details

    These may include gargoyles and other mythical subjects; figures supporting balconies and portraits, either caricature or real as well as carved architectural elements in medieval or classical style.

  • Architectural Carved Stone Restoration

    All repairs to old buildings where the stone carvings either need partial repair (say a hand, foot, or face need replacement) or complete renewal. Also, all other carved elements in stone which have sustained erosion by time and weather.

  • Garden Carved Stonework

    These will include figures, urns, sundials, fountains, and seats. Also, animals, both mammals and insects, as well as marine life such as crabs, lobsters, or fish.

  • Bespoke Human or Pet Portraits

    Likenesses can be achieved either in relief or in the round. A single photo will suffice for a relief portrait. Fine quality photographs from multiple angles are necessary for portraits in the round.